Springfield, VA


Coatesville, PA


I Heart LLC

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Transporting Your Family like Our Family


Welcome to

I Heart LLC Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

When you need safe, efficient and professional, door-to-door non-emergency medical transportation, count on I Heart LLC.

What matters most is passenger safety, comfort, convenience and peace of mind. Get where you are going 24/7 – safely, conveniently and reliably –  by booking in advance. You can always rely on a prompt response from I Heart.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide safe and professional assistance and non-emergency medical transportation services to the community through our compassionate and responsible staff. The company is focused on providing reliable and personalized transportation services to handicapped individuals in our community.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the leading and preferred non-emergency medical transportation service provider in Northern Virginia.

Our Services

We are dedicated to making transportation to and from your medical appointments as smooth as possible. We offer several services to best suit your needs. Let us help you with transportation from the comfort of your home to doctor’s appointments, treatments, and therapy sessions. Our high-quality cars are available to transport you at any time.

Our Services

We are dedicated to making transportation to and from your medical appointments as smooth as possible. We offer several services to best suit your needs. Let us help you with transportation from the comfort of your home to doctor’s appointments, treatments, and therapy sessions. Our high-quality cars are available to transport you at any time.

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Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

When you or your loved one has health problems, driving the car or taking public transportation can be challenging. We offer reliable, non-emergency medical transportation services to those who need assistance getting to and from doctor’s appointments and other medical needs.

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Individuals who are in their wheelchair at all times can find it difficult to go to a doctor’s appointment or get to the local hospital. We can help you minimize your struggles by providing wheelchair-accessible vehicles so you can make those appointments and receive the treatment you deserve.

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People who are immobile due to disability, surgery, and other medical complications who can only travel in a gurney can be tough. So we provide non-emergency medical transportation services to these individuals who need to be transported by gurney and require to be accompanied by a medical professional.

Have a question? We’re here to help.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.

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